This past weekend Graham held one of his gaming weekends. Scheduled for Saturday was a GdA game put on by myself; while on Sunday we had 2 Congo games, but more about those two games in my next posts.
Some months ago now, I put on this Napoleonic scenario at the Abyss to introduce the ruleset to some new players. It did not work too well as it was too large a game as an introductory game and it just did not work on a 6x4' table. I also had some a problem with a couple of the players, as they were not just that receptive to a novel ruleset. Three of the 4 players this weekend had played at least 3 games of GdA in the past and all were keen to play. Graham has also set up a 8x4' table which really made an enormous difference. I had travelled out to Beaconsfield on Friday to set up the game so we were all set to go Saturday morning at 1000h.
I used the same process for this 4 player game, with alternating the CiC for both sides. The CiC had to give at least 1 ADC to the other player on his side, unless he had 5 ADC's and then he had to give at least 2 ADC's. This works quite well, as each player gets to be the CiC throughout the game. Here is the OB, I added an ADC to each side and you may note that there is a lot of substitutions in the OB as I put in the actual units that I have.
Several charges in the centre resulted in melees. |
The French did get beaten back at certain points in the game. |
Good use of the Forwards ADC. |
The French right flank advance |
Lanciers |
As usual few photos get taken at the end of the game, but by now Kempt's Brigade was dispersed and the British left flank was also started to crumble with another Faltering Brigade. The French had suffered minimal casualties with all brigades in good order. Six hours had passed, it was pretty clear that the French were going to prevail so after 11-12 turns the game was called with a French Victory.
Well I had a great time running the game. I am hoping everyone had a good time, certainly I believe that the rules are now firmly entrenched. we had very few questions and we probably went through every possible mechanism the game offers. This will be the last GdA game I will put on until version 2 arrives which sounds like it has some quite substantial simplifications with a focus on increasing command complexity. I am putting on a GdA game at Huzzah in Portland, Me in May, I will probably go with v1.
Great game John, thanks for putting it on. The dice gods were not with the Allies on that day - two consecutive rolls of 'snake eyes" did not help.
Very good looking game. It will be fun to compare rules editions when you play the new version.