22 March 2025

Saga Night-English vs Scots

This week's Saga Night featured 5 games. I played against Rob's Scots with my English. This was my first 6 point Age of Chivalry match with my figures so I was looking forward to it.


2 units of Warrior Pikes
2 units of Levy Bowmen
1 unit of Mounted Warriors
1 unit of Foot Hearthguard

2 units of Warrior Bowmen
2 units of Warriors
2 units Foot Hearthguard

We played the Chaos set up as outlined in the Book of Battles. I do not exactly remember the sequence but Rob was the first player so I got to put 4 pieces of terrain on the table, oddly enough my careful thought process here did not work out for me as the deployment ended up being from the short sides rather than the long sides (important to read all five setup conditions). I did get 4 dice on my BB before the start which is always nice. The game was 5 turns with massacre points + some extra points for units on the table. Rob started the game with 7 saga dice while I had 6.

Some Photos

Scottish Levy Bows on their left flank
The English Ability of shooting at 2L was quite effective
The Scots right flank with their Pikemen
Hearthguard in the centre
Hmmm.....what to do next.
I found the Gruelling Advance Ability quite effective
Turn 4 from the English left flank, the Scots have been almost routed
Sir Richard Ratcliffe with his Knights
Warlord's Pride!

This game was characterised by some of the worst dice luck I have seen on Rob's behalf while I was incredibly lucky with mine. By the end of the first 2 turns I had reduced the Scots to maybe two thirds of the figures without losing any. This continued through turn 3 and 4. By turn 5, I had just lost  5 Hearthguard maintaining 6 Saga dice, while Rob just had 12 figures on the board with 2 Saga Dice. So a very clear victory for me as in the final encounter the Scots lost their Warlord in a Warlord's Pride encounter. 

The game was a bit unsatisfactory because of the Dice God disparity! I did, however, get a lot of experience with the English Battleboard which really is quite effective when you combine its Advanced Abilities. I think I will add another unit of Warrior Bowmen and see how that goes.

Thanks again to Korrigan for setting up these fantastic Saga Nights.


  1. As always a pleasant evening in good company. It was a rude awakening to the power of English bowmanship. Thank you John, for the game. I look forward to the next match.

  2. I didn't know there were Newfie wargamers! I spent enough time there in my working days as IT support, from one end to another, from the '80s to the new century and always a pleasure.

    1. Not many I think, never got to game in Newfoundland. How is it in Halifax, Rob H describes it as being good.
