12 January 2025

Kato Kiyomasa



My primary hero for my Midgard warband will be Kato Kiyomasa. If interested click on the link which will bring you to his Wikipedia entry. 

I googled his name looking for painted images of him and for an unclear reasons in at least 2 of the images he has an orange cloak. Even though a little bright, I decided to go with this colour. The rest of the colours picked are conjectural.
He is carrying a Katakana Yari.
The standard mon for Kiyomasa was an open circle, I have seen them in both blue and black. The parallel bars as seen above is a mon used by unit in Kiyomasa's army. I got bored of the open circle.
Uma-Jirushi of Kiyomasa

I will generate his specific stats when I have a better sense of the ruleset. He certainly had some interesting attributes from what history tells us.


  1. Stunning paintjob! The orange looks spectacular.

  2. Looking good John!

    I have been tempted for some time to build a Korean Joseon force. This would be a fitting opponent to that force. Hum... too many projects.
