29 August 2019

All American-Turn 3

We had our 3rd turn in the All American campaign last night in Lachine. We played 2 games in our last outing, Pierre-Yves won the first and I won the second. I decided to re-defend table 2 rather than attack table 1.

After 2 turn
German Platoon: Unlimited platoons so not tracked
American Platoon 1: 3 dead.
American Platoon 2: Intact

Campaign Tracker
Commander's Opinion 0
Men's Opinion 0
Platoon Leaders's Outlook: Affable (+1FM)
Commander's Opinion +3 (+1 Support)
Men's Opinion 0
Platoon Leaders's Outlook: Content

82nd Airborne 2 Platoon (FM 11)
Core (Elite 5+1)
SLx2 (carbine and SMG)
Bazooka Team
Squads x 2 (JL/SMG, M1919 LMG Team/3 crew, Rifle Team/8 men)
Supports (6)

Grenadier Platoon (FM 9)
Core (Regular 5)
Panzerschreck Team
Squads x 3 (JL/SMG, LMG Team/3Crew, Rifle Team/6 men)
Supports (10)
Panzer IIIG 
FO w/ 8cm OTM

So on we go to some photos.

American POV
German POV
German Advance
More Germans
M1 ATG- got a CD roll of 3d6 so put down the gun. It took 3 phases to take it out but was able to drive the crew out.
PY shocked me by laying down a barrage. Luckily I had only 1 squad down in the field in hard cover so they withstood it quite well. By now PY had 2 squads advancing behind the barrage on my right flank.
So I place my 2nd squad on my left flank to advance up the road. There was an unguarded JOP in the field with no Germans to respond aside from those in the walled farmyard. They were able to take a pot shot at me as I passed the gate and wounded my SL. But another double phase came up and I was able to drag him up the road.
JOP captured, turn ended, Barrage lifted. I was now in good shape but then made a fatal mistake. I ran back down the road and entered the farmyard, I had another double phase (I probably had 10 double phases to PY's 4). I fired at the Germans in the yard, lots of targets including a SL, JL and FO with the squad. Did not cause a whole lot of damage and foolishly charged. I lost 9 men to PY's 6. FM down to 4 with the German FM at 6. I withdrew. German victory!

Well it was a fun game, I blew it at the end and now have a pretty torn up platoon 2. We will have to see how the next game goes. Great game by PY!

After 3rd turn
German Platoon: Unlimited platoons so not tracked
American Platoon 1: 3 dead.
American Platoon 2: 6 dead, 4 wounded (1 SL 6"CR w/2CI)

Campaign Tracker
Commander's Opinion +1
Men's Opinion+2
Platoon Leaders's Outlook: Sociable (+1FM)
Commander's Opinion +3 (+1 Support)
Men's Opinion -3(-1 Support)
Platoon Leaders's Outlook: Thoughtful