25 July 2024

CoC in 28mm-A Very Short Game


A week ago, I got together with Julian at the Abyss for our Wednesday Gamesnight. Interest in gaming appears to wan in the summer, so it was just two of us for this game. Julian previously had a couple of games of CoC and wanted to get some of his 28mm Warlord Games figures on the table. This was a bit of a challenge for me as I game CoC in 20mm, but fortunately an early club project was to paint up the Band of Brothers boxsets from WL games. We leave these at the Abyss for use as members. 

This actually worked quite well and I was easily able to put together a German Volksgrenadier Sturm platoon as well as a US Airborne platoon. We were quite short on supports but we had some AFV's that I had printed so when I calculated the Force Ratings we could take one of these each.

I auto diced for supports before the game, we were playing the Attack and Defend scenario from the main rulebook. The Germans were the Attacker with 8 support points and the American defenders ended up 7 points after FR adjustments. I was playing the Germans and took a PzIV as well as an adjutant while Julian took a M10 as well as a Medic.

Here are the JOP with the PM's left on that table. I believe Julian got the better of me in the Patrol Phase as he got 2 JOP's in the compound and one Close to the forest on his left flank.
A pretty solid defence position with stone wall and some huts. I have no 28mm terrain but was able to cobble together some stuff that looked WWII from the extensive collection of terrain available at the Abyss.
Well I forgot to take any photos of the game as I was pretty busy clarifying the rules.

We both placed our vehicles early and exchanged fire twice, I hit his M10 with my PzIV first putting 2 shock on the M10 and killing the driver. The M10 comander in the next turn rallied off one shock and fired back. Ten AP vs 6 Armour, 5 net hits my PzIV exploded and my FM dropped to 4! I was able to get my LMG squad around to the US left flank in the forest but could not get them into position to fire before Julian got his whole platoon in hard cover behind the stone wall on overwatch. He was still at a FM of 10 while i had only 4 command dice. I withdrew.


  1. CoC can be like that. Short and nasty. Also, taking a tank puts a LOT of FM points in one vulnerable egg.

    1. It sure can, the M10 is a beast. I was also partially obscured but not enough to protect my PzIV

  2. Short but nice report. How do you calculate the regular Airborne force rafting?

    1. Used the CoCalcultor, you will find it on the CoC FB.

  3. Nice looking game CoC does seem to throw up some one sided battles occasionally, which can be frustrating
