08 June 2024

Muskets & Tomahawks-King Philip's War

Last Wednesday week, myself and Graham got together at the Abyss to have a game of Musket's and Tomahawks. Graham is putting on this game at Historicon in July and he wants to test run the scenario. Most of his gaming with M&T had been with V1 of the ruleset so he wants to get up to speed with V2. 

I believe we had around 600 point armies and played the Battle scenario on both sides. I have to admit that I have not played a lot of M&T recently so I was a little rusty. The book is quite nice but sometimes it is difficult to find answers to questions we had. This is characterised by no clear set up rules in the main text, but they actually exist in the scenario section. I suppose this is reasonable but we were quite confused about something as basic as do the units start on the table on come on when there card is played. We eventually had most of our questions answered post game with the help of some of our club members on our Discord, so I suppose we are now ok. 

Anyway, we did have a fun game with frequent utilisation of the Command Abilities and dramatic card play. We played the scenario out, and I believe it is pretty balanced. The scenario is going to get another test run at the Club Games Day next Saturday, so I suspect it will be well polished before the troops take off to Pennsylvania. Anyway here are a few photos of Graham's terrain and figures.

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