01 November 2023


In 2017, I bought into the Carnevale kickstarter from TTCombat. From what I understand, TTCombat had just bought the rules that had been released some years earlier from the company who had launched them. They revamped the rules, added a lot of figures and developed a lot of terrain and then launched the Kickstarter.

At the time, I painted some of the figures and sort of forgot about the whole thing aside from pulling out some of the mdf terrain and using it for Pulp Alley. I recently noted that one of the Facebook members of Soirée Peinture was posting some photos of the Carnevale figures, I decided to investigate and found out that it was Antoine, one of the members of our newly founded Montreal Historical Wargaming Club. After a brief discussion we decided to get together for a game two weeks ago at the Abyss.

The Guild (Antoine)
Citizen w/dog

Strigoi (John)
Blood Crone
Strigoi Priest
2 Romani
2 Nosferatu 

The Game

We played The Guild scenario from the main rulebook, this is an Attacker/Defender Setup. Points were gained for eliminating your opponent's characters as well capturing objectives. Here are some photos of the game, it was a while ago so I do not remember all the details. It was close!

I had a lot of fun with this game, and will definitely look forward to our next game. I have already painted 2 new figures for my Strigoi gang, I also have a Rashaar gang which I am sure will see the light of day soon enough. Thanks to Antoine for introducing me to the game and having thoroughly reviewing the ruleset before our game.


  1. That board looks fantastic. I'm extremely jealous.

  2. That does look really cool - I have looked at the TT range of mdf buildings a few times, mainly because they seem very competitively priced, as well as looking very attractive.

  3. Beautiful work on terrain and figures.
