07 March 2025

Saga in the Afternoon


This past Wednesday, I had not one but 2 games of Saga ......in the afternoon. This was organised by one of our club members to introduce 2 seasoned wargamers to the ruleset. Interestingly enough, I got crushed in both games.

Here are some photos, in both games I played the English. Great Battleboard, I just have to figure out how to use it. Initially myself and Alexandre took on Marc and Eric in a 2 on 2 game with 3 points each. I then took on Marc in a 4 point game. 

From me
from Eric
from Alexandre

I believe everyone enjoyed themselves.

03 March 2025

Age of Chivalry- French vs English

Very late post as I had forgotten about this game. During our last club Games day, a little more than a month ago one of our club members put on an SAGA game. Korrigan kindly lent me his French warband to take on the English. The game itself was put on by Eric, one of our SAGA experts. I played against Daniel, I believe it was one of his first game but notwithstanding, he was an able opponent.

If I remember correctly it was a 4 point game and the scenario was a starter scenario written by the Saga Thorsday team.

It was a very close game, and I barely won. I wish I could remember more but I do remember it was a lot of fun. Thanks Eric, Daniel and Korrigan!

A couple of photos.....

22 February 2025

Club Games Day-January 25, 2025

The Posters 

David did a terrific job on these posters

The Tables

Photos taken by the participants

Glamour Shots

Some photos taken by a professional photographer

It was really a terrific day.