07 June 2024

Pulp Alley-The Lost Keys

Last Tuesday week, myself and PY got together for a gaming session in Lachine. I believe we both have missed playing Pulp Alley and it is quick to set up so we went with that. I have been getting trounced recently so I decided to go with a new league. I like my Nephilim figures so I put together a new league. I have a slightly better understanding of league construction now, and as a result you can see this is quite a different take, with more reliance on Perks than characters.

I had not realised it but this was somewhat similar to the Cultist league that PY uses but I really had not realised this when I was putting the league together. 
We diced for scenarios and ended up with scenario 2 from the main rulebook. I do not remember either of us getting a lot from the pre-game action so on to the game. PY set up a suburban terrain which looked quite nice.
On to the game, well I got wiped out pretty quickly. My dice were not too bad but I did not have much luck with the cards. PY had one attribute which allowed him to get a card every time he became the director and played them skilfully. I also did not manage my league that well, especially the abilities, missing many opportunities, so a victory to the Followers of the Eye. I will leave you with some photos.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, I will look forward to hear how your rejects game goes.

  2. Fantastic looking table and miniatures on display there John....very inspirational...I must get my Pulp collection back in action again!
