04 October 2024

Serafimovich-Game 4

Last week myself and Dan got together for turn 4 in our CoC Serafimovich campaign.  This was the second attack of the Italians on the Bobrosky. Historically it took several goes for the Axis to take this position, so history was mirroring itself on the wargaming table.

As described earlier this was the Attack and Defend scenario from the rulebook. as you can see the table was basically the same as the previous with some new building, but terrain rules.
Table Overview, the Italians are attacking from the right.
Some new industrial/farm buildings, these are actually from the Napoleonic 3D Print Terrain set and printed at 18mm scale, once printed it was clear that they had too big a footprint our Quatre Bras game. They will do well for WWII wargaming as I had a shortage of these type buildings.
A new Russian farm complex from 3D Print Terrain
The Italian approach.
PMs and subsequent JOPs position, I believe the Patrol Phase was a draw.


Italian (13 Supports)
Platoon 2 (missing troops)
L3/35 Laflamme
47/32 Semovente
Brixante 45mm Mortar Team

Soviets (6 Supports)
Platoon 3 (fresh)
M1927 IG
Wrath of the gods

The Game

To be honest, I did not think that Dan was not going to take any armour, so I picked a gun with the best HE component. Boy, was I wrong! I was horrified to see that he took 2 tanks, the only saving grace was that Italian armour of this period is quite weak and I was hoping that 4 AP would do it. Additionally he had a flamethrower and I knew that once it got close, my troops would be done.

Of course, I never too any action photos until the game was half over. I had placed 2 sections on the near edge of the table to protect my right flank but as you can see they were quite battered by long range fire from the 2 tanks and by the time the Laflamme was up the table, I had already taken a battering. I had placed my IG in the farm complex with another section. Dan however was able to move his AFV's up under cover I was able to get only one shot off which missed from the M1927 at the Laflamme. I felt I was in deep trouble. I had however been able to reduce the Italian FM because of some lucky shots at 2 Squadras that Dan had placed in the middle of the table behind the hedge. I believe I wiped out a couple of teams as well as a JL.
Above you can see my M1927 and a section behind the stone wall of the farm complex, the Italians made effective use of their 3 smoke rounds from their Brixante mortar.
I had placed my last section inside a ruined stone house.
As you can see, both my sections behind the hedge retreated back after heavy casualties from the Laramie. It was really touch and go for the Soviets now, they had a FM of 5. My next CD roll revealed a 5 so I now had a CoC dice. I withdrew my troops out of range of the Laflamme and said my prayers, but I also ended the turn, smoke gone. The next Italian CD roll did not change the situation. The Soviet CD roll was good, they got a 3. The JL commanded the M1927 team to take careful aim. This time they hit the Laflamme, 3 net hits.....the Laflamme blew up dropping the Italian FM to 2. Game over. This was a very well played game by Dan, but her will have to attack Brobosky again in turn 5.

Post Game

The previous method I was using just was not working so I have had to resort to a spread sheet. It is a little confusing. The game 4 column is the actual result from the post game process of turn 4. The greyed column is the effects for the next turn (5). I am hoping this makes it easier to keep track.

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