I have not had a whole lot of time for wargaming activities recently, quite busy at work and getting things organized in the house. I particularly hate the summer, so f...ing hot, it really makes me quite lethargic!
While in Montreal, I did finish off my Type B IJA Rifle platoon for Chain of Command. I had done 2 LMG squadrons and a couple of supports, but I still had the grenade launcher squadron, a 3rd LMG squadron as well as a number of supports to do. I finally got the basing done today and have had a chance to take a few photos.
The force is quite complete, I would like to get a Ha Go Tank, as well as some engineers but that is about it.
A Mixture of Eureka and Warmodelling figures as well as some Waterloo 1815 1/72 Plastics |
Warmodelling LMG Squad |
Eureka LMG Squad |
Mixed Eureka-Warmodelling LMG Squad |
Grenade Launcher Squad, Eureka on the sides and Warmodelling in the middle. |
Type 97 20mm ATR Team in front, with a Sniper Team, a chappies with a Rifle Grenade and AT Suicide Plunge Mine, Tank Hunter Team and a Type 94 Tankette in the back row from left to right. The Rifle Grenade and Lunge Mine figures are from the Waterloo 1815 Plastic 1/72 plastic range. |
From left to right; a Type 92 MMG Team, Type 97 Chi-Ha Medium Tank and a 7cm Type 92 Infantry Gun with a JL from the Waterloo 1815 Range. Little more slender than the metals but no problem mixing in. |
The 1941-42 IJA List for CoC |
A still have two squads of USMC as well as a Raider squad to paint to complete the opposing army for the IJA, but thankfully they are almost done and should get posted within in the next month.