30 August 2013

Four New Books

Over the last month, I have bought 4 new gaming books, 3 of them just published and one that I have been interested in for some time. I am not going to review them, they are much better reviews out there which I will link. I thought I would offer my thoughts on the books and my interest in them.

18 August 2013

Chain Of Command: German Force

Of course it would be a little tricky to play a WWII skirmish game in Northern Europe without some Germans, so here they are. I found the Vallejo German uniform paint a little dense, so despite using a wash they were also drybrushed to bring out some extra detail. I do not know enough now about German orders of battle, but I am sure this platoon will eventually get identified. Again the details of the platoon structure for Chain of Command were obtained from the TFL Yahoo site.

16 August 2013

Chain of Command: Canadian Force

I have just finished my 2 forces for the about to be released WWII skirmish game from Too Fat Lardies. Chain of Command is much anticipated and from what I understand from the Yahoo site, there have been over 1000 preorders, which I believe is pretty good. The release date is August 21st.